Tuesday, September 1, 2009

Not settling for less...

Since Saturday, I have been moving and unpacking boxes into my new house. It doesn't seem like it will end. I spent a few hours this evening clearing boxes out of my room, but when I walk around the house, everything is everywhere.

I like spaces to be neat and tidy, especially in my home. It feels hard to be living in a lot of mess these days, especially as everything around me is changing.

Yet, as I was in my old house picking up a modem and cable box, my supervisor reminded me of how good our new house is. We wanted to stay at my old house in Dalewood, but because we didn't know if we would have an internship until February, and the landlord wanted to know in January, we gave the house up to our students.

Looking back, this was God's way of helping us not settle for the lesser thing, in this case, a house. If we had found out in January, we would have settled for Dalewood. Instead, going through the riskier decision in giving up the house and having it unsettled for 5 months allowed God to show us that He had a better place prepared, which is so much better for ministry than my old house, and that house was already pretty good.

So I am fine with the mess in our new house because it is God's reminder to me that I just need to go through some uncomfortable moments to get the better thing He has in store for us. And indeed, it is the better thing.

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