Sunday, November 15, 2009

The joy of baking...

This weekend has been a strange one. I didn't have any plans. I didn't need to go anywhere. I didn't need to do fundraising. I didn't need to go to Toronto.

So I took this weekend to do the things that I really enjoy, mainly music and baking. I felt inspired Friday night, to do some baking, but since I had a fundraising meeting, it didn't happen. Instead, I looked through all of my recipes, before I went to bed, to be inspired at making something new.

And let me tell you, I was inspired. When I got up Saturday morning, I made something that I had always wanted to make: scones. It's really not that profound, but it was something different and I really like bread. Anyway, I made it and I was shocked at how it turned out.

If only I had pictures, I wouldn't need to describe it, but the kitchen smelled heavenly and the scones were so light and fluffy. My housemates were amazed at my creation and within 24 hours, they were all gone.

This is just what I needed this weekend; a time to be creative in my food and try something different. It also was nice that my creation was absolutely delicious! Life has been exciting, but also mundane, over the past few weeks. I have also been dealing with my own brokenness, which has drained me both physically and emotionally.

Those who know me say that they can tell when something is wrong because I have no desire or creativity to cook or bake. And that definitely was true over the past 3 weeks. Yet, the creativity is back and my desire to make delicious food has come again with force.

So if you are able, take some time in the next week to do something you haven't done in a while. It can be stress reliving and life giving at the same time.

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