Wednesday, December 16, 2009

Praising through the pain...

On campus work is winding down, and it has given me the opportunity to take a few days off and hang out with some fellow staff friends. We ventured to Ottawa and Montreal. It was fun to be together, hang out, and enjoy some good laughs.

It was a tough trip too. I realized how hard it is to have my friends move far away and the impact it is having on their lives. Yet, I am reminded of how the Kingdom is expanding because we and our supervisors were faithful in releasing these individuals to the places they are now. It is hard because we were just starting to jive, we were just starting to get into a groove and work well together.

If we kept our friends where they were, I know it would have slowly killed the ministry. We would have no diversity. We would be reluctant to welcome new individuals into our staff communities.

So as much as this trip reminded us all of the sacrifices we have made, we were also reminded that it is good to follow God. A few of us went to a Gospel concert on Saturday night and I could tell that we were all hearing from God, especially in the songs that said we would follow God wherever He would call us or that through the pain, we will continue to praise our Saviour.

I am in the middle of both of this and despite how hard and painful it is, I am starting to experience the goodness of God. And because of this, I will praise our Saviour and our King.

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