Thursday, July 8, 2010

Dealing with the heat...

After spending a month in Bangladesh, the current heatwave in Southern Ontario is pretty similar to what I experienced there. There have been moments I felt like I was not going to stop sweating, but I have been stubborn. I have not turned on the air conditioning in my house. I have barely used a fan, choosing to deal with the heat instead through unconventional way, like putting an ice pack on myself to cool myself off.

I am reminded of how Bangladesh has a lack of electricity, so there were always rolling blackouts. Our team was fortunate to live in a place that had a generator, but if we didn't, we would have to deal with the heat and the constant sweating. 

There's something in me that tells me that I can't just use electricity because I have it. There are people all around the world who don't have it and learn to deal with more extreme weather conditions than I face. 

So in this hot summer, I am going to try energy efficient and earth friendly ways to cool myself and my house down. It's cost effective and it helps the environment out a bit too.

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