I don't know if you've had experiences in your life where what you hear and what you think about all relate. It's like everyone is trying to tell you the same thing and that's when you know something is going on.
There's been a sense in me for a while of wanting more, from myself, from others, and most importantly, from God. I know it started in June, when I attended a staff gathering right after coming home from Bangladesh. We studied Exodus 32-26, and in the middle of it, Moses asks God to show him more of Himself. Moses! He was a man who God called His friend and he still wanted more of God!
So, these thoughts and desires have been percolating for a while. And finally, I feel like something is about to happen, something I haven't experienced before. I went to church on Sunday and my pastor was talking about being lukewarm and how we need to snap out of it. I witnessed people step up and say they want to change. It was exciting, especially since I had made a similar decision at National Staff Conference just a month ago.
I've been talking to my students about this for the past week and the consensus is the same. They think KCF is headed in the right direction, but they want more than they see right now. They know there's more to come.
So this week is all about that. My small group and I had a great conversation tonight about not wanting to leave small group anymore and forgetting the text that we studied. We want it to penetrate every aspect of our lives, so that we don't even think about it, we just live it out. We want to be a blessing to the students in residence, rather than being comfortable and making the small group just about us.
I'm delivering a large group talk based on Acts 1.1-11. Jesus gets taken up into heaven and the disciples just stare into the sky. Two heavenly beings appear and remind them to go to Jerusalem, so that they can receive the Holy Spirit and shake up the world.
The choice is ours. We can either stare into the sky and wait for Jesus to come back or we can gather together, pray, and wait patiently for the Spirit to come again. My hope and prayer is that we, as a community, will choose the latter option and set our campus free from its bondage.
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