Tuesday, August 3, 2010

Just paddling...

I've been thinking about what this season of my life is about. There will be a lot of changes going on both in my personal life and ministry. And if there is one theme or message that I feel like God is telling me, it's that I just need to get in the boat and enjoy myself.

I tend to think a lot, overanalyze, minimize risk, and try to make a situation perfect. In this season, God is telling me to stop thinking, get in that boat, and just paddle. It's not a coincidence that I am really enjoying kayaking these days. It's a great analogy for my life right now. When I get in the kayak, I lose track of time and see the world from a different perspective.

And that's what this season is all about. It's going to be different and I am a bit nervous, but I know that it will be also an amazing ride. So there's no more thinking or analysis of what this new season will bring. I choose to be fully present and enjoy every moment of what happens!

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