Thursday, August 19, 2010

Something new out of the broken...

As I was having dinner with a friend the other night, he reminded me how God brings redemption through seemingly worldly things. He doesn't create something completely new, but uses the broken things of this world.

The greatest example is people. He brings reconciliation by healing and restoring us so that we can be agents of reconciliation for others. God didn't decide to bring redemption by creating robots or a new species of humans.

I don't know why this conversation really hit home, but it reminded me just how gracious God is. It also makes me realize that there can't really be a separation of the sacred and the secular. God redeems through things that are seemingly secular and makes it holy. Take music, for instance. It could be used for not so good means, or it could be used to glorify God.

Anyway, I am just in awe of how creative God is!

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